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Friday, March 4, 2011

A diference

Lots of differences in a similarity,
And this what makes every difference ,
ahead of a similarity.
Fluctuating moods of varied permutation combination.
A conditioned reflex of mine,
Like Pavlov’s salivated dog which wants to join you.
But as it then goes, within you, with lots of corrections, revisions
Of the situation not within your reach.
And that makes all the difference again
Ahead of a similarity !!!
I love you,
And you love me.
But then again, there’s a silence of different difference of distance in our
similarity of likings ; again,
All but again, the difference Conquers the Similarity !!
If as the poetic justice runs down the Life Lanes saying,
“= (Equal) mount of differences and similarities co-existing within our reach
How different our lives would be with without a difference?”